Morning. A black limousine sedan pulls up to a stately museum-looking building in a bustling city. A young woman exits and walks up the steps into the front entrance.
Morgan, our lead.
Inside the building, she walks a long way up to the front (back?) desk. Morgan, pointing out a small scrap of paper pinched between her thumb and forefinger, explains herself to the attendant who makes a call and tells her to wait a moment. Hours later, footsteps from down the back hall carry another attendant who beckons her to follow him. They walk a long way (again) and emerge in a secret subway station, the single car taking them to a secret airport where they board a jet that takes them to another secret airport where the disembark and load into a car. The car takes them to the edge of a forest where, after another long walk, they come upon a clearing with a gatehouse with no gate. They enter the gatehouse and board an elevator which takes them three hundred floors below ground. When the elevator opens, Morgan is pushed out as the doors quickly close. Before her is a second elevator. She looks down at the scrap of paper.
She boards the elevator and punches floor 60. Going up. The doors open on an office fight club; suits and skirts beating the shit out of each other. The brawl stops. They all turn to stare at her. She explains herself.
“You want floor negative sixty.”
Morgan moves her thumb to reveal a dash.
They get back to it as the doors close. She descends to –60. The elevator pings open to a suited man way too close to the doors. She recoils but he very Germanly explains who he is. Gerd, her assistant.
Gerd introduces Morgan to the office. A new age Frenchman, the Queen's niece, an alien surveillance unit, the (almost) richest man in the world and his appendage clones. She finds that the branch is severely understaffed and the employees are burdened with the workload of several departments.
All but Nils express humour and mock her chances in the office game. She heads to her office but a burst of flame erupts in the hallway before extinguishing itself, revealing a ghastly man. The head of the Organization, JR.
JR congratulates Morgan on beating out her competitors (hint) in his extremely breathy Palpatine slash Voldemort voice. He continues to inform her of the office bet; a pool in which the employees wager cash on whether or not other branches will advance in the bracket. This, of course, opposed to assembling a team for your office to submit in the yearly Battle Royale.
Morgan feigns ignorance of this interoffice game before JR flames off to reprimand a certain president at a golf course in Florida. Nils stops Morgan quietly and explains that he is regularly abused by the other employees and, thinking her to be like him, offers his help in the office game. She sets him up monitoring Mr. Chad’s surveillance of the arena.
The game begins.
America v Japan, first match – The MAGA Family (super sentai, super right wing) v Fair Use Godzilla
The pope presides as referee.
The employees are in the break room watching the game, wagering their bets. Morgan joins them. The brackets lessen and the final fight is about to begin. Morgan sneaks away, revealing that she had stolen some of Nils’ Iron Man-looking equipment while he was in Mr. Chad’s lab. Using the equipment, she is able to gain control over the MAGA Family’s megazord and beats the fuck out of a giant, mobile, Statue of Liberty mocking the United States, killing the MAGA Family on board in the process. The rest of the world’s branches are pissed.
Morgan, out of breath, returns to the break room wearing the tech and demands her winnings. The others accept her as just as atrocious as they are and turn over the cash. She makes it into her office for the first time and sits down as head of the branch, victorious.
Morgan, our lead.
Inside the building, she walks a long way up to the front (back?) desk. Morgan, pointing out a small scrap of paper pinched between her thumb and forefinger, explains herself to the attendant who makes a call and tells her to wait a moment. Hours later, footsteps from down the back hall carry another attendant who beckons her to follow him. They walk a long way (again) and emerge in a secret subway station, the single car taking them to a secret airport where they board a jet that takes them to another secret airport where the disembark and load into a car. The car takes them to the edge of a forest where, after another long walk, they come upon a clearing with a gatehouse with no gate. They enter the gatehouse and board an elevator which takes them three hundred floors below ground. When the elevator opens, Morgan is pushed out as the doors quickly close. Before her is a second elevator. She looks down at the scrap of paper.
She boards the elevator and punches floor 60. Going up. The doors open on an office fight club; suits and skirts beating the shit out of each other. The brawl stops. They all turn to stare at her. She explains herself.
“You want floor negative sixty.”
Morgan moves her thumb to reveal a dash.
They get back to it as the doors close. She descends to –60. The elevator pings open to a suited man way too close to the doors. She recoils but he very Germanly explains who he is. Gerd, her assistant.
Gerd introduces Morgan to the office. A new age Frenchman, the Queen's niece, an alien surveillance unit, the (almost) richest man in the world and his appendage clones. She finds that the branch is severely understaffed and the employees are burdened with the workload of several departments.
All but Nils express humour and mock her chances in the office game. She heads to her office but a burst of flame erupts in the hallway before extinguishing itself, revealing a ghastly man. The head of the Organization, JR.
JR congratulates Morgan on beating out her competitors (hint) in his extremely breathy Palpatine slash Voldemort voice. He continues to inform her of the office bet; a pool in which the employees wager cash on whether or not other branches will advance in the bracket. This, of course, opposed to assembling a team for your office to submit in the yearly Battle Royale.
Morgan feigns ignorance of this interoffice game before JR flames off to reprimand a certain president at a golf course in Florida. Nils stops Morgan quietly and explains that he is regularly abused by the other employees and, thinking her to be like him, offers his help in the office game. She sets him up monitoring Mr. Chad’s surveillance of the arena.
The game begins.
America v Japan, first match – The MAGA Family (super sentai, super right wing) v Fair Use Godzilla
The pope presides as referee.
The employees are in the break room watching the game, wagering their bets. Morgan joins them. The brackets lessen and the final fight is about to begin. Morgan sneaks away, revealing that she had stolen some of Nils’ Iron Man-looking equipment while he was in Mr. Chad’s lab. Using the equipment, she is able to gain control over the MAGA Family’s megazord and beats the fuck out of a giant, mobile, Statue of Liberty mocking the United States, killing the MAGA Family on board in the process. The rest of the world’s branches are pissed.
Morgan, out of breath, returns to the break room wearing the tech and demands her winnings. The others accept her as just as atrocious as they are and turn over the cash. She makes it into her office for the first time and sits down as head of the branch, victorious.
Main Cast
Our lead. Morgan is the new manager of the [REDACTED] Organization’s Main Branch. Formerly the coordinator of the American Branch, this promotion lands her in both a position of more authority and more responsibility. The latter, at first, seems more pertinent. Appearing sweet and demure, it’s only her exterior. Below the façade, Morgan is a ruthless and remorseless tyrant. She’s still super polite while handing down her decrees, though. |
Bavarian. Heir to the Shadow Throne. Like inches from being on the Supreme Council. Gerd is the manager’s assistant. This guy is a like a walking database. He knows everything there is to know about the Organization, though he can’t tell you if you don’t have clearance and you shouldn’t even be asking without the proper clearance so he’s going to have to file the proper paperwork and detain you indefinitely until the investigation is complete. Oops. You don’t have special clearance. You have been sentenced to death and will be executed before the firing squad. Take him away. His relationship with Morgan is like Liz Lemon's relationship with Jack Donaghy, only partially backward and really off-putting. |
English. So English, she’s literally in line for the throne. But, like, not super high up. The Queen’s grand-niece. She’s the manager’s secretary. Super sexy voice. She’s taking a few (5) semesters off from university and interning for the Organization. Rebecca is a meta pop culture encyclopedia and friends with the hottest celebrities - most of whom can be found loitering around her desk. Due to this, in addition to secretarial work, she is head of the Fashionista and journalistic departments covering influencers, record labels, tabloids (and, by extension, the major news outlets) and all social media. |
French. Hippie supreme. Makes tea at his desk. Does farty yoga while in teleconference meetings on speaker phone. New age bullshit abounds with the chief of the Scientology Department. He's lives on a ballistics range with a time-traveling future version of himself to whom he is also married. “Le Ronne”, as he is known in the office, is comptroller and head of accounting as well as the entirety of the World Exploratory Committee choosing election victors at whim. He's the kind of guy who'll microwave fish in the office. He films for interviews with famous Scientologist figures like Tom Cruise and John Travolta in a very small set by his desk controlling marionette likenesses from above, all the while shoeless. The asshole. |
Danish. Tech multibillionaire tycoon. Started 'Nanner (think Microsoft/Apple but like Facebook, Space X and Minecraft, too) when he was 13. He’s a loveable nerd. He works IT for the Organization to pay off his debt to them for making him THE NAME in consumer home technology. Nils is responsible for Digitus 2.0, χείρ and Mr. Chad. He's not a bad guy. He just works there. |
The resident alien world surveillance being. He landed in England in the early twentieth century leaving graffiti on random walls bearing vague questions he had regarding government policy. He continued this until he was taken in by the Organization. His mission to view everything going on in the world via his alien abilities is not hindered by the Organization and is instead encouraged, as long as that information is first passed to their analysts. He has two rows of fingers, each differential in finger length allowing Mr. Chad to type on four keyboards at one time. His eyes act as 4th dimensional scanners allowing him to see shit in ways we can’t even imagine. |
Digitus is Nils' third appendage clone. He's a human finger. Created as a friend for χείρ (who was lonely), it is the second incarnation of the Digitus model. The first, nicknamed 'Pinky', became incredibly evil -far too evil even for the Organization- and was imprisoned below in the catacombs. Digitus helps with heavy lifting and experimentation, mostly as the test subject. |
Like Jack Dawson, this man is the King of the World. Like, seriously: he’s the secret richest man in the world (2.3xJeff Bezos) as well as the last in the [REDACTED] line of prophecy and, thus, head of the Supreme Council of the Blazing Flame. He controls everything. That’s at least what some bullshit conspiracy theory some guy on the internet told me about. He's an NPC who sets up each episode's quest and gives way more information than necessary. |
Conspiracy theorist. This guy has it all worked out. He just can't get inside to prove it. He uses all manner of technology and engineering while trying, usually to disastrous ends. He is seen outside as Morgan arrives to work. He is consistent in his attempts. A regular Wile E. Coyote. Hey, wait a minute! |
The child heir to the throne of a tiny principality known only to the elite is kidnapped and ransomed via a high-stakes casino tournament in Montenegro where special agent Vittorio Acciari must put it all on the line.
An accounting error from 1797 forces Morgan and Gerd to enter the catacombs to find the original document where they encounter Pinky in an Alien-esque situation where they must struggle to stay alive.
The accounting error in the previous episode has left the Org in financial ruin. In order to recoup their horrific losses, Morgan and the team sell Dee's gold chocolate bars for $100 a piece on the streets of Monaco.
An upcoming mission to Mars pulls Nils away from his duties. Digitus and Hand Krang fill in for him, leading to disaster in a Cabin in the Woods-style scenario.
A gas leak moves the team into a new office space for the day where the ghost of a legendary 1980s investment firm president possesses Rebecca.
JR's sister The Baroness, head of a rival super secret society, shows up to oversee a hostage trade leading to a whodoneit caper where everyone is a suspect.
Il Papa is getting too old and they have to sew him a new popeskin. Hand Krang poses as Il Papa in the meantime. Hilarity ensues.
Mr. Chad's brothers Kilroy, Clem and the Stussy S come to relieve him of his extragalactic duty. This has catastrophic effects a la Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
An accounting error from 1797 forces Morgan and Gerd to enter the catacombs to find the original document where they encounter Pinky in an Alien-esque situation where they must struggle to stay alive.
The accounting error in the previous episode has left the Org in financial ruin. In order to recoup their horrific losses, Morgan and the team sell Dee's gold chocolate bars for $100 a piece on the streets of Monaco.
An upcoming mission to Mars pulls Nils away from his duties. Digitus and Hand Krang fill in for him, leading to disaster in a Cabin in the Woods-style scenario.
A gas leak moves the team into a new office space for the day where the ghost of a legendary 1980s investment firm president possesses Rebecca.
JR's sister The Baroness, head of a rival super secret society, shows up to oversee a hostage trade leading to a whodoneit caper where everyone is a suspect.
Il Papa is getting too old and they have to sew him a new popeskin. Hand Krang poses as Il Papa in the meantime. Hilarity ensues.
Mr. Chad's brothers Kilroy, Clem and the Stussy S come to relieve him of his extragalactic duty. This has catastrophic effects a la Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
The Org - [adult swim] Development Meeting, 30 July 2020
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